Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mathematicians of MNHS joined the 11th PMO Qualifying Stage

Malinta National High School joined the 11th Philippine Math Olympiad Qualifying round last Saturday, October 18, 2008 at the Ateneo de Manila University. The Qualifying Stage was a preparation for the Area Stage of the said event which will be held on November 22, 2008. PMO is the oldest and most-prestigious nationwide mathematics competition among secondary school students. This aims to: 1) stimulate the improvement of mathematics education in the country by awakening greater interest in and appreciation of mathematics among students and teachers and gaining insights into the levels of mathematics learning;
2) identify and motivate the mathematically gifted;
identify potential participants to the International Mathematical Olympiad;
3) provide a vehicle for the professional growth of teachers; and
4) encourage involvement of public and private sectors in the concerted promotion and development of mathematics education.

>>>Three selected students were chosen to represent the school. Two of them were came from Fouth year level: Joshua James Betiles (at the middle) and Marie Catherine Canilao; and the other one, Bryan Rey Encinares (from Third year level). Prior to the contest, their coach Mr. De Leon (leftmost) rigidly trained them on the different areas of Mathematics. They, together extended their time for the preparation of the Qualifying stage.

>>>T'was a great battle among the participants/contestants because they were competed to merge as one of the fifty (50) students who will join the Area Stage. Yes, out of four hundred eight participants (408) from the National Capital Region (NCR) only 50 (approximately 12%) of the students will penetrate the next level. Indeed, we are lucky if one of them will emerge as one the top 50.

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