Sunday, October 19, 2008

Malinta National High School Brigada Eskwela 2008

Please Click on the title to view the video of the concluded Brigada Eskwela 2008.

International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education

Click on the title for further information.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

One versus 100 (Math quiz bee)

One of the highlight-activities of the Math Clash 2007 was the contest "One versus 100", adopted from a game show aired from a TV station. The host, Mr. Villas who graced the contest and performed well to make the contest proper lively. In this manner, the department extends its appreciations to the effort shown by the host, himself.
Students really enjoyed the game and at the same time learned from different concepts concerning Math.
The picture below is a scenario where Mr. Villas is asking question to the One (a student from 4th year) while the mob is waiting for his answer.

The Masterpieces of Students of MNHS

These are the entries of the student who participated the Poster Making Contest in the School-based Math Clash 2007. The theme of the event is "Revitalizing Mathematics Education for Progress" . Different posters with different meanings were made by-hand by the students.
Here, we see how our students express their understanding on the theme. They concretize the abstract that plays in their mind.
Being a creative is a gift. A gift that we could boast to others in good ways.
One of the aims of the Poster making contest is to enhance students' talent and skill in drawing, hence the Mathematics department is very thankful that they successfully achieved it.
With the positive responses from the students, we believe that there will be an increase of participants for the Poster making contest this year.

Mathematicians of MNHS joined the 11th PMO Qualifying Stage

Malinta National High School joined the 11th Philippine Math Olympiad Qualifying round last Saturday, October 18, 2008 at the Ateneo de Manila University. The Qualifying Stage was a preparation for the Area Stage of the said event which will be held on November 22, 2008. PMO is the oldest and most-prestigious nationwide mathematics competition among secondary school students. This aims to: 1) stimulate the improvement of mathematics education in the country by awakening greater interest in and appreciation of mathematics among students and teachers and gaining insights into the levels of mathematics learning;
2) identify and motivate the mathematically gifted;
identify potential participants to the International Mathematical Olympiad;
3) provide a vehicle for the professional growth of teachers; and
4) encourage involvement of public and private sectors in the concerted promotion and development of mathematics education.

>>>Three selected students were chosen to represent the school. Two of them were came from Fouth year level: Joshua James Betiles (at the middle) and Marie Catherine Canilao; and the other one, Bryan Rey Encinares (from Third year level). Prior to the contest, their coach Mr. De Leon (leftmost) rigidly trained them on the different areas of Mathematics. They, together extended their time for the preparation of the Qualifying stage.

>>>T'was a great battle among the participants/contestants because they were competed to merge as one of the fifty (50) students who will join the Area Stage. Yes, out of four hundred eight participants (408) from the National Capital Region (NCR) only 50 (approximately 12%) of the students will penetrate the next level. Indeed, we are lucky if one of them will emerge as one the top 50.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mu Alpha Theta

The Hyper-demo Teacher

Ms. Myra Tejada showed her teaching style in the concluded annual demonstration teaching of Math Department. It is shown on the picture while she is asking question to one of her students others are raising their hands. The said DEMO-TEACHING has been practiced by the Math teachers initiated by their department head. This is to showcase the styles and new trends in class discussions and to share learned techniques to and from each others. In addition to these, the activity aims to maximize the use of multimedia presentation in classroom teaching.

Astig Boys

Astig boys in town... Ahem! The Trio conquered the Baguio City. It was unforgetable short vacation... posing pa lang ulam na. From right: Ric De Leon, Jez Conde and lastly Denz Villas. Acoording to Ms. Caluya and Ms. Monares; the posing is fitted to Denz becoz he looks like "teenager Astig", though he is the oldest among the three, also for Jez, they said that as if he an is "astig rapist", And bad for ric as they said he is "serious astig" . Whatever they say... we really enjoy each company.

Pa-tabrieza ka naman Denz...

The Mathematics force

The picture was taken during the meeting of the faculty members of math department. T'was presided by their ever-dynamic department chairman, Mrs. Ma. Christina Salonga, the one who wears the eye glass. Members of the teaching force of Mathematics department (from left to right): Mrs. San Andres, Mrs. Marjalino, Mrs. Babijis, Mrs. Cabiles, Ms. substitute, Mrs. Origines, Mrs. Solo, and Mr. De Leon. Others do not appear on the picture: Mrs. De Guzman, Ms. Achera and Mr. Valdez.

A trip to Puerto Gallera

Sometimes, we need to unwind and perhaps experience other ways. As teachers, we deserve to relax to free our mind from almost a year...bursting in teaching the young ones. Hence we chose Puerto Gallera as venue for our short vacation. Actually, this was the only first time that we reached this place. We experienced on board the motorboat, a transpo from Batangas port to the shore of Puerto Gallera. T'was really fun and breathtaking trip indeed... The picture was taken obviously from one of the cottages.